"Patience is power; with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk."
—Chinese proverb
There is now talk of specific dates as to when the results of the 2006 bar examinations will fly off the Supreme Court’s tightly guarded vaults. “March 22”… so says the circling whisper. “ March 22” … so say the hushed tones that sound not so unlike voodoo chants.
Of course, we all realize that all that is idle talk. Plain rumors. No one, as of yet, knows just exactly when. And setting dates only makes the waiting more tension-filled, more nerve-wracking, more agonizing.
Why then do the bar hopefuls continue to feed on the rumors? Is ignorance not bliss? (If you'd only see the criss-crossing text messages, e-mails, chats and other conversations on the matter, you'll know what I mean.)
Let me have some uninformed guesses (sorry, my psychologist alter ego just jumped off the window). I guess we want to figure out the exact date because we want to determine when the waiting will end. Uncertainty cultivates gloom. I bet it’s easier to run the marathon when you know how far lies the finish line.
We all want to move forward after this – either we made it or we faltered. Whatever the results may be, we’d like to know ASAP so we may plan and decide on what to do next.
But the waiting is part of this challenge that we chose to take. To endure a little more brings us in communion with all those who have been through the same path. After this, we shall be brothers …(hopefully).
Yes, it doesn’t help that the results of the medical board exams were released yesterday only after a few days of waiting. Much as we would like to wish that the same be applied to the bar examination, I’m convinced that such will come not in the very near future. The fraternity of lawyers deeply treasures its traditions and I foresee no immediate abandonment of the rites and rituals that separate the legal profession from the other callings.
—Chinese proverb
There is now talk of specific dates as to when the results of the 2006 bar examinations will fly off the Supreme Court’s tightly guarded vaults. “March 22”… so says the circling whisper. “ March 22” … so say the hushed tones that sound not so unlike voodoo chants.
Of course, we all realize that all that is idle talk. Plain rumors. No one, as of yet, knows just exactly when. And setting dates only makes the waiting more tension-filled, more nerve-wracking, more agonizing.
Why then do the bar hopefuls continue to feed on the rumors? Is ignorance not bliss? (If you'd only see the criss-crossing text messages, e-mails, chats and other conversations on the matter, you'll know what I mean.)
Let me have some uninformed guesses (sorry, my psychologist alter ego just jumped off the window). I guess we want to figure out the exact date because we want to determine when the waiting will end. Uncertainty cultivates gloom. I bet it’s easier to run the marathon when you know how far lies the finish line.
We all want to move forward after this – either we made it or we faltered. Whatever the results may be, we’d like to know ASAP so we may plan and decide on what to do next.
But the waiting is part of this challenge that we chose to take. To endure a little more brings us in communion with all those who have been through the same path. After this, we shall be brothers …(hopefully).
Yes, it doesn’t help that the results of the medical board exams were released yesterday only after a few days of waiting. Much as we would like to wish that the same be applied to the bar examination, I’m convinced that such will come not in the very near future. The fraternity of lawyers deeply treasures its traditions and I foresee no immediate abandonment of the rites and rituals that separate the legal profession from the other callings.
So to all of us 2006 bar examinees, let’s just run the entire course and have fun observing the countdown to nowhere. Anyway, one thing is sure in the scheme of things – the day of reckoning will definitely come.