I was just so glad my early morning walk led me to the place.
(a depiction of a Father returning to the arms of a longing son after the war)
(a marker for Filipino soldiers who died in Korea)
(a depiction of a Father returning to the arms of a longing son after the war)
(a marker for Filipino soldiers who died in Korea)
The entry says: “ Nagoya Castle was built in 1612. Although a large part of it burned down in the fires of World War II, the castle was restored in 1959, adding some modern amenities such as elevators. The castle is very famous for two magnificent Golden Orca (a type of fish) on the roof, often used as the symbol of
(the view from the top of the castle)
(the entrance gate where everyone has to pash thru: no passing from the sides)
(the cleansing well: visitors must must their hands or feet here before they proceed to the temple)
(the temple itself - throw a coin, then pray)
(the hall where elaborate Japanese weddings are held)
(the longest sword in the world)
I tried checking out the city despite the sweltering 37 degree summer heat.
Eat one egg and increase your life expectancy by seven years! How’s that for a great marketing tag, eh? He he. Phony I know, but people are buying.
Just what the frock is this egg? It’s an ordinary one, actually, but boiled in the waters of the super